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Useful links

Everyone who learns languages ​​should practice and test their knowledge as much as possible. Foreign languages ​​differ from other things, that if we want to communicate in a given language or settle in a given country, then we must know and use the language on a daily basis.

On this site, every English Your Way student will find something for themselves, which will allow him to practice and check it out what he has learned so far. On this page we give you links where you can practice and improve your language skills English and check your results. From the initial to the advanced level, everyone can solve additional exercises and examples, which will allow you to better understand the language and remember and learn more things.

Click on one of the following links to improve and practice your knowledge.

If you know or use other websites, give them to us and we will put the link in. Thank you and wish you a nice study. See you in class.
